Archive | September, 2012

“…….religion………………the opium of the masses”

7 Sep

In considering this blogs title, thankyou Mr Marx, I often wonder if the internet, and especially social networking sites and blogs, are the new “opium of the masses”.

In interpreting Marx to mean that people used religion to blot out the harsh realities of the lives, and as a means of taking action without actually taking public action (ie with religion – dont worry about the present injustices, inqualities etc etc, as your reward will come later in heaven (or maybe hell).

I am suggesting that the internet, social networking sites and blogs, gives us the false hope that we are contributing to solutions to problems in society – by telling the world what we think. But I dont think the ruling elites ever actually bother to read the millions of blogs every day, and the masses (like myself) have no way of reading a minute portion of the daily blog traffic. But I can relax, and sit content at home, feeling no desire to take any real action, knowing that I have blogged my comments to the world.

Is anybody listening? I think not!

Therefore it can be argued that the internet is indeed the new “opium of the masses”



ps: I wonder if anybody reads this? I wonder if anybody cares?